Failure Autobiography


Failure is a big part of the creative process.

We all fail; it’s HOW we fail—and recover—that will determine whether or not we learn, move on, and create new things out of those failures.

The assignment is to write a 3-4 page paper describing something that you failed at. The paper should DESCRIBE the experience, ANALYZE the failure in order to explain WHY you failed, and then how you LEARNED from that failure, and RECOVERED from it.

This should be a rich self-evaluation; not a glib recounting of events with a simple ending.

This assignment may be an uncomfortable one for you, but the exercise may help you to realize how valuable failure is in your life. If you feel that you do not have a failure in your life substantial enough that you can write a strong paper (unlikely), you may write a Failure Biography of someone you know personally who has had a failure in their life that they learned from and overcame. You should interview that person in order to get first person information and perspective on the situation.

All papers must be typed using 12 point font, double spaced, spell checked, proof read, and have one inch margins. Be sure your name, my name, and the name of the class is at the top. Date the paper for the day it is actually submitted. Use page numbers at the bottom of each page. If your assignment is more than one page, please staple it in the upper left corner so pages don't get lost.