Homework: All homework, if it was originally turned in on time, may be resubmitted for a new grade. This is a studio class, so the point is that you master the material, not that you are punished for having trouble with it. All resubmissions must be turned in promptly and none later than two weeks before the last class.

There are several videos from the American Theatre Wing in the syllabus schedule. These are required watching.

The knowledge in this class is cumulative and the homework is designed to support what is being taught. Homework not originally turned in on time may not be turned in later than two weeks after the due date unless there are extenuating circumstances and an arrangement for the completion of the work has been made with the professor. Late work will be graded down one third of a grade.

All written homework must be word-processed with 12 point font, double spaced, and with one inch margins. Spell-check and proof-read your work! Homework requiring handwriting must be neatly printed. Illegible work will be returned ungraded. Put your name on your assignments!

After most classes, you will have homework that will be due on the following class. This homework will usually take about three or four hours to complete (if done properly!). These assignments may take some practice. You are expected to re-do things to get them right; do not just turn in your first attempt.

Production Analysis Paper: You will be required to see one major professional theatre production and write a 3-4 page response paper about its design aspects. DO NOT leave this to the last minute! The paper will be due two-and-a-half weeks before the last class.

Final Design Binder Project: All of your design work on the assigned play will be collected into a binder to be turned in on the last day of class. The class schedule will take you through all of the steps. An assignment sheet for each part of the final project is on the class web site.

Attendance Policy: This class only meets twice per week and has a “hands-on” component. For purposes of grading, each absence in excess of four (two weeks) will lower your final grade 1/3 point (A to A-, etc.) More than eight absences will require a discussion with the professor about an incomplete (due to legitimate circumstances) or failure of the course. Three “lates”—later than 15 minutes—will equal one absence. PLEASE BE ON TIME.

Grading Policy: Homework, tests, and papers will be graded A-F or with a percentage grade.

Final Grade: After the grades for the homework and tests are averaged, a grade is determined. Then attendance is taken into consideration. The final grade is based upon the following formula:

Homework:           60 percent of final grade

Final project:          30 percent

Response paper:               10 percent

Incompletes are given rarely and only as the result of serious and unusual circumstances.

The professor reserves the right to take into consideration any special conditions beyond this grading policy that may apply to a fair and balanced evaluation of a student.

Communication: I will be communicating with you from time to time via email. You need to check your Suffolk University email address regularly, ie: every day. If you are going to miss a class, I expect you to contact me before the class. Email is the best way to do this.

Cancelled Classes: If a class must be cancelled due to a university closure or the professor's illness, you will receive an email via your Suffolk University email account at the earliest possible time alerting you to this and informing you of any make-up assignment, which will be posted on the class web site at Again, you should check your email daily.

THETR 151:

Course Projects and Policies
