Attendance Policy: This class meets once per week; attendance is required. For purposes of grading, each absence in excess of two (two weeks) will lower your grade 1/3 point (A to A-, etc.) Three “lates”—later than 15 minutes—will equal one absence. A note from the office of the Dean of Students regarding a family matter, serious illness, injury or a chronic condition is necessary to be excused beyond this policy.

Your participation in class and in group projects is indispensable to your learning process and the success of the class. The class relies heavily on group projects and your team-mates need you. There will be a great deal of researching, making, and presenting in this class. It will be essential for you to be in class, prepared and alert, to glean any benefit from the lectures and class discussions. In group projects it will be essential that you be responsible and dependable to the members of your group.

In the event that the university cancels classes, such as for severe weather, students will be expected to continue with readings and projects as originally scheduled, or on a schedule that the professor has communicated as a result. Any assignments scheduled during those missed classes are due at the next class meeting unless other instructions are posted at the course website.

The knowledge in this class is cumulative and the homework is designed to support what is being taught. Late work will be graded down one third of a grade.


All written homework must be word-processed with 12 point font, double spaced and with one inch margins and page numbers, and be stapled in the upper left corner. Papers must have an appropriate cover page with your name, student ID#, date, and the name of the class. References and citations must be cited in an appropriate manner. Spell-check and proof-read your work! Homework requiring handwriting must be neatly printed. Illegible work will be returned ungraded. Research must be presented printed in hard-copy, organized, and in a binder.

Suffolk University follows the Federal Government's Credit Hour definition:

“As an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutional established equivalence that reasonably approximates no less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of student work out of the classroom each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour of credit.”

Grading Policy:   Class projects and participation will be the major consideration in the final grade. Any written work and all projects will be graded A-F, all projects will be averaged for the final grade. The final project counts as two projects. Spelling, grammar, usage, style and punctuation all count towards your grade on papers. Stylistically, all papers for this class are to be considered formal.

Academic Integrity:  Effective 30 August, 2016, there will be new policies for academic misconduct, grade grievances, and academic complaints. These academic matters will no longer be managed by Student Affairs but will be overseen in the academic units, with implementation guided by the academic deans' offices and final appeals resting with the provost.

Departments will be able to assign their own grading sanctions and remediation plans in a significant portion of cases of academic misconduct. More egregious cases, repeat offenses, and appeals will be the province of the new Academic Misconduct Committee, which will comprise representatives of the deans' offices and faculty members from the College and Sawyer Business School.

From the Student Handbook -  

Final Grade:   The grades for the projects are averaged and attendance is taken into consideration. Incompletes are given rarely and only as the result of serious and unusual circumstances. The professor reserves the right to take into consideration any special conditions beyond this grading policy that may apply to a fair evaluation of a student.

Communication:   I will be communicating with you from time to time via email. You need to check your Suffolk University email address regularly, ie: every day. I will not be sending email to any other account. You can link your Suffolk account to another account. If you have trouble doing this, ask someone at computer services for help.

Cancelled Classes: If a class must be cancelled due to a university closure or the professor's illness, you will receive an email via your Suffolk University email account at the earliest possible time. Again, you should check your email daily.


Disability Statement:

Mental and Physical Health Statement:

Center for Learning and Academic Success:

Course Policies
